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Firing By Zoom? – Head of Employment Jennie Jahina Gives Her View
Following the recent news that a US boss has fired 900 employees over Zoom, Head of Employment Jennie Jahina gives her view.
Secretary of State speech at CLA conference highlights ELM funding details
On 2 December 2021, Environment Secretary George Eustice set out his vision for farming, pointing out the importance of the food industry to the government’s levelling-up agenda.
Autumn 2021 Tax Day: Consultation On Amended SDLT Rules For Mixed-Use Property & Multiple Dwellings Relief
HMRC has proposed amending the way in which SDLT is calculated on mixed-use property so that an apportionment method applies with the residential SDLT rates applying to the residential portion of the acquired property and the non-residential SDLT rates applying to the non-residential portion.
Misconduct vs Professional Negligence
Many people use the terms misconduct and negligence interchangeably as if they mean the same…
Can You Sue a Barrister for Negligence?
Can You Sue a Barrister for Negligence?
S106 Agreements, Affordable Housing and CILs
In a recent case, the High Court decided in favour of Wealdon District Council costing…
Government publishes Farming Innovation Programme
On 20 October 2021, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs published a Farming Innovation Programme to provide £17.5 million in funds support for agri-tech innovation to farmers, growers, foresters and businesses. This is the first round of three funds making up the programme.
Time Limits for Professional Negligence Claims
If a professional fails to uphold their responsibilities or fulfil their duties, you may be entitled to bring a claim for professional negligence against them. If you have suffered damage or loss financially as a result of negligence, the law enables such losses to be recoverable from the relevant professional.
Compensation for Professional Negligence
You can make a claim for damages for professional negligence when a professional fails to carry out their duties to a reasonable standard of skill and care. Professional negligence compensation varies according to the nature of your claim and the extent of loss or damage you have experienced.
Money Talk week 8- 12th November 2021 – Let’s Talk Money!
Talk Money week takes place from 8- 12th November 2021. The purpose of Talk Money week is to encourage people to talk about their finances and research has shown that people who talk about their money are more likely to make better financial decisions.