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Will Writing Services: Pros and Cons
Whilst it is important to make a Will (and sadly more than two-thirds of people in the UK do not), it is also vital that it is drawn up properly to avoid the risk of it being contested – something likely to be extremely stressful for your beneficiaries.
Can I Write My Own Will?
DIY wills and will writing kits are readily available online. Many people, however, believe that the long-term disadvantages of writing your own will mean that the traditional method of seeking expert legal advice is still the better option.
Moratorium On Commercial Landlord Remedies Comes To An End
After 2 years, the moratorium on landlord remedies which affected commercial rent arrears recovery (CRAR) and forfeiture of lease finally came to an end on 25th March 2022. To many landlords, this will be most welcome news, as a vast amount will have tenants in arrears and perhaps need to take possession of their property.
Graduate Legal Executive Who Chose A Different Path From University To Qualify As A Lawyer
A trainee from Wilson Browne Solicitors has passed the distinguished Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) exams.
How Do You Own Your Property?
When you are doing anything of legal significance such as buying a house, getting divorced…
When Should I Change My Will?
Ordinarily, we suggest that you review your Will every five years or after a significant life event. But, what is a significant life event?
Planning law consequences for Homes for Ukraine
Planning law consequences for Homes for Ukraine
Creation of access to field was not permitted development
In the recent case of Jones and another v Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government and another two landowners appealed against the Secretary of State’s dismissal of their appeal against an enforcement notice issued by Horsham District Council (HDC).
Is It Fair For NHS Continuing Health Care To Be Withdrawn?
NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) has been known to be difficult to get and is very much dependent on where you are living. In some areas, you are much more likely to be granted CHC funding, whereas it is near impossible in other areas.
A cautionary tale for sellers and their agents – disclosure of matters affecting title to property
In SPS Groundworks and Building Ltd v Mahil [2022] EWHC 371 (QB), the High Court held that references in the auction brochure and by the auctioneer to the need to read the legal pack were insufficient for a seller to have complied with its duty to disclose a defect in title.