Adverse Possession Enquiry

Please note all information submitted is confidential

First Name

Middle Names


Address 1

Address 2




Telephone Number


Preferred method of contact?

How long have you occupied the land?

If occupation is less than 10 years, do you have the ability to contact the lands predecessor?

A statement from them may be necessary to help with your application. (PDF only)

Address of the land:

Address 1

Address 2




Have you made an application to the Land Registry for this area of land before?

How long have you been in occupation of the land?

Is the land fenced?

Have you had exclusive occupation of the land?

Have you ever had permission to occupy the land, whether verbal or written?

If yes, was the permission granted in the last 12 years?

Do you know who owns the land?

Do you have any plan showing the extent of the land you would like to claim?

Plan document (PDF only)

How did you find our details to contact us?

If we were recommended, please let us know who by?